
Youth research East Brandenburg

In the East Brandenburg "Jugend forscht" young researchers' competition, young people up to age 21 challenge each other with clever ideas and exciting research questions. EWE has sponsored the school competition for more than two decades. In the regional competition, participants can qualify for national follow-up events.

Jugend forscht Plakat 2023

Results of the 2023 regional "Jugend forscht" competition

On 28 February, East Brandenburg's STEM talents showed off their skills in Neuenhagen near Berlin. This year's motto: "Make ideas big!"

The exciting and innovative projects spanned seven different subject areas, and the competition was fierce. The best young researchers advanced to the next round and will take part in the state competition "Jugend forscht und Schüler experimentieren" (Youth research and pupils experiment) in Schwarzheide on 29 and 30 April. There, the best qualify for the 58th national finals.

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