
EWE will be climate neutral by 2035

Our climate change mitigation goals

The foundation for all emissions reduction measures is transparency about the company’s own greenhouse gas emissions. Based on the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, EWE retrospectively compiled its climate data for 2018 and will update it annually going forward. Over the next few years, we will invest in the development and expansion of renewable energies with the aim of becoming climate-neutral in Scope 1 and 2 by 2035, ten years ahead of the target set by the German government.

The goal is to become climate-neutral in Scopes 1 and 2 through a wide range of measures and to achieve 50 and 65 per cent in upstream and downstream Scope 3, respectively, by 2035. This effort will require a high level of investment. We see investment potential of EUR 14 billion over the next 10 years with the aim of providing a sustainable boost to the region and laying the foundation for a climate-neutral Northwest.

Grafik Emmissionen

Scope 1
= Direkte Emissionen durch Anlagen, die dem Unternehmen gehören oder die das Unternehmen kontrolliert. Zum Beispiel aus den Unternehmenseinrichtungen, firmeneigenen Gebäuden oder Fahrzeugen.

Scope 2
= Indirekte Emissionen durch die Erzeugung von Energie, die vom Unternehmen eingekauft und verbraucht wird.

Scope 3
= Alle indirekten Emissionen, die in der vor- und nachgelagerten Wertschöpfungskette des Unternehmens anfallen. Die indirekt vorgelagerten Emissionen umfassen z.B. Emissionen aus Dienstreisen, gemieteten Anlagen, eingekauften Waren und Dienstleistungen. Für EWE wurden in Scope 3 die Kategorien ausgewählt, in denen wir den größten Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leisten können.

How does climate neutrality work?

Our carbon-based economy does not offer an easy way to live and do business in a climate-neutral way. We explain how to make it work.

Can EWE operate entirely without emissions and what role do offsets play in this?

EWE is an energy trader and as such has a unique responsibility and, at the same time, faces a number of challenges that need to be overcome. It would not be appropriate for us, as a utility company, to limit our efforts to mandatory Scopes 1 and 2, as many other companies do. This is why EWE has defined targets for all Scopes. 

EWE consistently acts in accordance with the basic principle: We prevent, substitute and reduce before offsetting greenhouse gases. We aim to completely eliminate offsetting via certificates in Scope 1 and 2. Specifically, this means that we do not offset our own emissions in energy generation, energy infrastructure and company operations, but instead prevent, substitute and reduce these emissions with a wide range of measures. By directly addressing our Scope 1 and 2 climate goals without resorting to offsets, we are making a strong commitment to the climate revolution.

There are some special features for Scope 3, which also relates to our products and services in addition to our purchasing. Based on the current state of knowledge, it is inevitable that some emissions will continue to be generated in this area. For example, we will continue to offer certificate solutions for our customers on request and we will always maintain the highest quality standards in offsetting. 

What is the Greenhouse Gas Protocol?

The GHG is a globally recognised framework for accounting and reporting greenhouse gas emissions for companies and, increasingly, the public sector. Many other standards, such as the ISO 14064 standard, are based on the GHG Protocol, which is coordinated by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

What kinds of greenhouse gases are there?

Altogether there are seven different greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming in different ways. The best known greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2). Other greenhouse gases include methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3).

The degree to which each gas contributes to global warming is demonstrated by its different potentials. Methane, for example, has an impact on our climate many times greater than that of CO2. For comparability purposes, all greenhouse gases are usually converted into CO2 equivalents.

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